I am Troy Headrick (he/him) and I serve the Chittenden 15 district within the Vermont House of Representatives.

I believe our workforce, our community, and our local economy are strengthened when we pay all workers a livable wage. Fair wages should extend to incarcerated Vermonters.

I am a proud member UVM Staff United and believe that union membership strengthens our collective pride in our institutions. The right to organize must be extended to our domestic and agricultural workers. The right to strike must be extended to include state employees, including staff in our colleges and universities.

I believe in the value of teaching our children with an honest reckoning for the systemic racism and white supremacy upon which this nation was built. I believe our educators are the experts in how our children learn best and that we have an obligation to protect our teachers as they engage with that expertise.

I believe that abortion is healthcare and that a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body are fundamental and undeniable.

I believe that we reside on unceded colonized land and that we have an obligation to repair the resulting harm that continues for the original inhabitants (Abenaki First Nations of Odanak and Wôlinak).